Swimming WA recently hosted a training camp for age group athletes from the WA Target Flippers and Flippers Squad. The camp, which took place at the state-of-the-art WA High Performance Hub from July 10-14, aimed to provide young swimmers with a comprehensive experience in the life of a full-time athlete.
Led and delivered by staff of the WA High Performance Hub, the training camp brought together swimmers, their home coaches and two apprentice coaches, Chris Purcell (Southside Penrhos Wesley) and Jasmyne Gannaway (Breakers). This collaboration offered a unique opportunity for the athletes to receive guidance and support from experienced mentors, enhancing their overall training experience.
The intensive program of the camp comprised in-pool training sessions, where swimmers worked on their swimming skills and techniques under the eyes of expert coaches. The camp featured National Pathways testing protocols, allowing swimmers to benchmark their performance and set goals for their future progress.
One of the main highlights of the training camp was the focus on education. Throughout the week, the athletes were exposed to educational opportunities that aligned with the theme of "a week in the life of a full-time athlete." This comprehensive approach aimed to instill in the young swimmers a deep understanding of the commitment and dedication required to excel in swimming at a professional level.
The camp was not just about nurturing the athletes but also about providing a valuable experience for the apprentice coaches. Chris Purcell and Jasmyne Gannaway were able to fine-tune their coaching toolbox and gain hands-on experience by working closely with the identified athletes and coaches. This mentorship aspect of the camp was made possible through the support of the Western Australian Institute of Sport (WAIS), Swimming Australia and home coaches, who have been very supportive to the Performance Pathway Program.
For more information about WAIS and the 2023-24 Swimming Athlete Selection Guidelines, Criteria and Process, click here.